Programming? Isn’t that a job? Isn’t it boring? If these are your thoughts about programming, you are probably not familiar with it! Many people out there do programming as a hobby. I initially started programming as a hobby and only turned it into a career later. If you want to know how one can take up programming as a hobby, this post is for you.
How does It work?
Generally, a hobby is something a person takes up in their free time. They don’t aim to turn it into a primary source of income. They do it because they like it. If you’re someone who finds programming fascinating, then you’re lucky because you’ll enjoy programming in your spare time. To take up programming as a hobby, you’ll need to set aside some time to work on it regularly and maybe even spend a bit of money on software and equipment.
A hobbyist doesn’t code for money; a hobbyists codes for the love of it!
Can I be a programming hobbyist?
There are many myths about programming. People think they need to good with math and computers to start programming. Many people might not even consider programming an option because they hold this view. While programming can be technical and include complex math, you can do a lot with just the basics and you’ll even learn more as you go.
The best thing about programming is it doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are or anything like that. Kids get recruited into jobs at big tech companies as well as phenomenal 60-year old ladies. The only thing that matters is your dedication, and you’ll know whether programming is for you or not as soon as you jump in.
Which programming language should I learn?

If you’re going to start coding, you’re going to need to begin learning a programming language.
There are tons of programming languages available in the world today. Each of them has their own pros and cons. Do your research on various languages and pick the one right for you.
If you’re fascinated about creating amazing webpages, you might want to go with JavaScript so you can learn to manipulate elements on the page. PHP is also important for more robust web development capabilities.
If you’re more curious about how things work under the hood and want to do more than web development, go for an application development languageslike Java, Python or Ruby.
A lot of languages are closely related, and you’ll find that if you take on a language like Java, PHP and JavaScript will be pretty easy to understand too, but Python might feel completely foreign to you.
Once you’re familiar with all the basic concepts of programming, you can shift around to most other languages easily enough. A lot of the basic fundamentals are the same, but where they differ is in the specific commands, formatting and syntax.
How do I learn more?
This is one of the most common questions asked by newbie programmers. Not everybody can afford a personal programming tutor. For me, Udemy played a big role in my learning process. I took a Java programming course for just 4-5$. You can get a programming course from websites like Udemy. Another option can be YouTube. There are many people on YouTube teaching programming. Programmers all over the world thank these random Youtubers for explaining complicated programming concepts in simple ways. There’s almost always a video tutorial available for every problem.
Also, if you prefer text-based guides, you can find a lot of great websites with articles about programming. Some of those websites are GeeksForGeeks, JavatPoint, Tutorialspoint, etc. Specific coding languages typically have extensive documentation online too, such as PHP or Perl.
Is programming difficult for the non-technical?
Programming doesn’t require much technical knowledge in the beginning. It might seem a bit hard in the early stages since you’re learning a new skillset, but you’ll get past those bumps. The most important thing is your problem solving skill. If you have a creative mind than can grapple with abstract concepts in order to achieve a particular objective, you can translate that into code to get the job done.
Also, if you ever get stuck while programming, you can take help from the internet. Websites like stackoverflow and reddit have a millions of programming questions answered by experienced developers. So when you hit a roadblock, you can find your question answered online or join the community and ask the question yourself.
How do I start actually programming something?
After you’ve researched some basics and selected a language, you can start building up some amazing projects. You can create your own mobile application and upload it on an app store or put together your very own website. You can build some projects for your GitHub. You can also contribute to other people’s projects.
Where you start and how depends on the project and the language. For web development or any web-based applications, you’ll likely need hosting. In most cases you’ll need some kind of code editor, such as Atom or Notepad++. Some languages require their own compilers and for games and apps, you might choose a particular development engine to work with. In many cases, you have the option of working inside your own testing environment without having to push any projects live for the world to see. Yes, you could even make your own mobile app specifically for yourself to use and deploy it on your phone.
And if you want to earn some money, you can go for freelancing. Web developers can easily find some freelancing gigs and make good money and these can be great learning experiences to since the tasks will challenge you to expand your capabilities and push you into learning new tricks you haven’t thought of yet.
Should I try competitive programming?
Competitive programming is beneficial for those who want to build up a career in programming. If you are just taking up programming as a hobby, it may not be much fun for you. However, you have a brain that loves solving crazy logical problems, you just might enjoy it.
Coding problems are like “Power-Squats” for your brain. The more you solve, the better and better you get.
Not all competitive programming is all that competitive either. There are plenty of group programming activities that are more about having a good time and making something cool, and though there might be winners and prizes, the real reward is in the process itself. These are typically called “hackathons” and bring together people of various disciplines in support of the end goal.
What are the benefits of programming?
It’s a mental exercise
While programming, you’re always faced with new problems to solve. You’re constantly thinking of different ways to get a job done and really use the whole of your brain in the process. When you do manage to solve a particularly challenging problem, it can be really satisfying too!
The portability
All you need for programming is a laptop. You can write programs while lying on the couch or while sitting in a coffee shop. It doesn’t require you to be at a particular location. So this is a hobby you can take anywhere. Fit your programming routine to your lifestyle.
Technical learning

Once you start programming, the technical part of you will get better too. You’ll become more familiar with how computers and other devices work. This could even give you some useful skills to hack your own electronics or build programs to make your life easier.
It’s marketable
While a hobby isn’t meant to be a source of income, taking up programming does give you a great marketable skill that could be helpful if you ever need to earn some cash on the side or change careers. With many jobs becoming automated, programming is a field that’s still relatively safe from AI because someone has to program the robots and algorithms taking the jobs in the first place, and that could be you!
It’s almost free
Programming really doesn’t cost much. You’ll probably need a computer, but even a simple laptop will do. Internet access is also important to have, but if you’re reading this, you probably already have that! There are other costs depending on your particular goals, but most programming is as simple as downloading a few free programs and getting down to it.
What are the disadvantages of programming?
Mental burnouts
I’m someone who codes regularly, and I often face burnout. My brain gets tired, and I start hating programming for a day or two. This is common in programmers. Most of the experienced developers also face this issue.
This mental burnout is usually caused when a programmer doesn’t take proper breaks. It’s not necessary to code daily. You can always take a break if you feel tired. Never be hard on yourself. Hobbies are meant to make you feel good, not tired.
You can also break up the monotony by having different projects to switch around to when you hit a block with one. Sometimes thinking about a different problem will help you find a new way of thinking about the original one.
Requires focus
Programming requires a lot of mental attention. If you have a bad day at work or there’s something bothering you, you won’t be able to focus while programming, and you’ll end up making mistakes or not being able to maintain focus. So if you’re not in the mental mood for it, it might be best to take some time before jumping in.
Routine can help, though. Giving yourself a particular time and even a specific place to do your coding will help trick your body and mind into switching into programming mode.
Lack of physical movement
Programming doesn’t require much movement, except your fingers really. So, if you have a white collar job and want to take up programming as a hobby, make sure to find time for exercise too. Too much sitting might cause a big belly and a lot of health issues.
Remember to work out daily and look into getting an exercise desk to help you stay active while you program.
That’s all for today!
So, that’s all you need to know about taking up programming as a hobby. It has the amazing perks of creating your own applications and a potential secondary source of income. Also, you get to meet a lot of interesting people in programming communities. Programming may not be for everyone, and you may never be a programming savant, but it’s worth trying. At the very least, it’ll round out your technical knowledge which can be helpful as technology continues to consume our lives.