Learning how to play an instrument can take hours, months, and even years of constant practice. Many people want to play an instrument but don’t want to spend money on lessons. Those people also underestimate their ability to teach themselves.

The piano is one of the most popular and loved instruments. If you want to pick up this skill, let’s talk about the steps you can take to teach yourself. If you have no musical experience playing an instrument, don’t let a rough start ruin your motivation. If you don’t want to jump the gun and on getting a big piano, you can start small with a keyboard. You can find affordable small starter keyboards on amazon, use this link for reference: https://amzn.to/3ghZGvv
YouTube is the place to go when self teaching any instrument. You can learn the basics from single keys on the piano to chords and eventually learn some songs. There are hundreds of beginner videos on YouTube, so do your research and find one that goes at a pace that matches your own. You can click the link below for an example of a beginner piano series.
If you aren’t a YouTube learner you can get some beginner books that do the same job.
The most difficult part of self teaching is self discipline. You have to challenge yourself to practice 2-3 times a week if not daily. Without consistent practice you will end up taking steps back with each step forward. Once you have the basics down you should practice with short songs. These can be found online or with sheet music. If you purchased beginner books there will most likely be some songs provided. You might have some songs in mind that you want to learn and if that’s the case you can always look those up on YouTube or get the song in sheet music!
At this point your skills depend solely on your dedication to practicing. You will be able to play longer and more difficult songs than when you started. Throughout this process, expect struggles and frustration. Your learning may take longer than others and that’s okay, experts aren’t made overnight!